Tuesday 22 March 2011

Update on the bottle saga

Sorry for the silence!
It's been a mad week! So here's what happened. We persevered with the bottle and I gave him some formula to try when he was calm and happy, between normal feeds. He took a few sucks and BANG the lower half of his face went all red then white raised spots started to appear (like a nettle rash) and it was really scary! He was not bothered and smiled through while I watched him like a hawk. It went down after an hour and Mama had taken a few photos.
I went to the GP armed with my photos the next day and was told it is almost certainly a milk protein allergy! No dairy when we start to wean, keep piriton in the house etc...... :(  She suggested Soya milk.... I went away a little overwhelmed and started to research. Turns out the FSA (Food Standards Agency??!) say no soya to under 1's and definitely not to boys as it is full of Oestrogen. So I went back to the GP armed with this information and asked for a referral to a Paediatric allergist and a dietitian. A resounding no. I was told to try the same formula or a different brand again!! And so Mama vs the Dr begins!

I want a referral and a proper test! I'm not using the little man as a lab rat to "see what happens!" Thankfully I took photos so have evidence. I get the feeling it's all about money. The GP is waiting to see if I pursue it or if I give up. He obviously doesn't know me very well!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's awful! Have you seen your Health Visitor? I chatted to ours before weaning as my son has eczema and therefore possible allergies, and she was very firm on saying don't make any rash decisions about cutting out whole food groups, definitely don't give him soya without being told to by a proper NHS dietician… We were fine in the end but it was sensible advice. Might be worth seeing if you have a better HV than GP who can get you a referral?
